This blog is my place
to reflect what happens in my life
and what is in my mind.

I know sometimes I sound hypocrite
while at the other time,
I seem to rebel against the world.

Well, that's what happens in my head though.

I am trying to be wiser everyday,
opening my eyes for the truth of the world...
like an owl observing the night.

But my friends,

perhaps without realizing,
I am walking on the path of foolishness here.
Thus, I really appreciate
your comments, complains, questions,
and even... mockery.
>>>>>>>---------------------------------- ITUTH ------>

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Joy and Sorrow


A man said,
"Joy and sorrow are two sides of a coin
which is tossed constantly to the air...

When you feel happy,
you should be prepared for the sadness,
for the next toss perhaps...
joy will be replaced by sorrow.

In the contrary...
When you are down and depressed,
you should never give up your hope,
for the next toss perhaps...
happiness will smile
and sadness will disappear..."

Another man disagreed,
"Joy and sorrow..
do not come by chance...

Happiness is like the sky,
lies so wide up there...
for everyone to see,
for everyone to seek,
for everyone to enjoy...

Sadness is like rain, fogs and clouds,
they cover the sky for a little while...
then go with the wind,
leaving the sky of joy
for everyone again to enjoy...

The problem is...
sometimes people who were trapped
under dark clouds of sorrow
and heavy rain of sadness,
take cover inside one gloomy cave,
and later on...
they are unwilling to come out of the cave,
to enjoy the sky of happiness,
for fear of loss and sorrow..."

by: Ituth

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