This blog is my place
to reflect what happens in my life
and what is in my mind.

I know sometimes I sound hypocrite
while at the other time,
I seem to rebel against the world.

Well, that's what happens in my head though.

I am trying to be wiser everyday,
opening my eyes for the truth of the world...
like an owl observing the night.

But my friends,

perhaps without realizing,
I am walking on the path of foolishness here.
Thus, I really appreciate
your comments, complains, questions,
and even... mockery.
>>>>>>>---------------------------------- ITUTH ------>

Friday, October 23, 2009

Angel, Devil, and Humans

An angel accused a devil,
"You are such a wild boar,
run amok without restraints,
destroying what is proper,
what is good,
and what has been neatly arranged..."

The devil replied,
"What about you?
You're just a collared dog...
know only obedience and law,
never even taste a drop of freedom,
you're so naive,
just blindly follow
what you're told and what you're ordered..."

Some humans joined,
"What about us?" they asked.

The devil sneered,
"You are just stupid donkeys,
stranded in the path
where the road split in two...
You can't even decide where to go.
Sometimes you go right,
sometimes you choose left."

The angel scowled,
"They are not donkeys,
they are just little lambs,
which sometimes wander around,
and get a little lost..."

I look at them and laugh,
"You are all so amusing," I said.
"Go on, be a boar, a dog,
donkeys, or little lambs...
Let me be a monkey then,
silently watching your silly
little fight...
and laugh out loud anytime I like,
since this world is
an incredibly huge stage,
and you, the players are...
unbelievably hilarious!!"

by: Ituth

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