This blog is my place
to reflect what happens in my life
and what is in my mind.

I know sometimes I sound hypocrite
while at the other time,
I seem to rebel against the world.

Well, that's what happens in my head though.

I am trying to be wiser everyday,
opening my eyes for the truth of the world...
like an owl observing the night.

But my friends,

perhaps without realizing,
I am walking on the path of foolishness here.
Thus, I really appreciate
your comments, complains, questions,
and even... mockery.
>>>>>>>---------------------------------- ITUTH ------>

Friday, October 23, 2009

Who Goes to Heaven?


There was a twisted serial murderer,
captured by a priest and a soldier.

Close to the gate of a big city,
the murderer managed to seize
a sharp knife from them,
and ran away to the crowded city...
"Shot him, Father! Kill him!"
The soldier screamed at the priest,
who held the gun at that time.

"No, my son! Killing is forbidden.
You'll go to hell if you do so."

"But, he'll kill many more people,
if we let him go!"

"Still my son, killing is forbidden.
Heaven won't accept the people
who are willing to kill others."

The soldier snatched away the gun,
and shot the murderer, right in his

"I don't mind going to hell, Father.
As long as the people there are
safe, I'm willing to sacrifice my

Who goes to heaven?

There was a thief, who came at night
to the houses in town.
Stealthily, he took money from those
houses, and brought it home,
to feed the homeless children
who thought he was their leader.

Then, the thief got caught,
by an honest policeman who tries his best
to fulfill the duty laid down on
his shoulder.

"I must put you to jail, thief.
Why did you keep stealing?
Don't you know that it is a sin?"

The thief smiled sadly,
"I don't mind to be shackled
by the heavy weight of sins...
For this world is unfair,
and little can be done honestly
by a poor man like me.
However, it's just not right for me
to let those dear to me
suffer from pain and hunger."

"Those kids you feed,
they are not your family,
nor they are your relatives..."

"That might be true,
but when I see their heartbreaking pain,
I just can't help myself
to do my best for their sake."

"It's breaking my heart too, thief.
but I must do what my duty told me to do."

"Go ahead, Sir. I have said it before,
I don't mind to suffer from this sin,
since I've done my best
for this little conscience of mine..."

Who goes to heaven?

by: Ituth

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