This blog is my place
to reflect what happens in my life
and what is in my mind.

I know sometimes I sound hypocrite
while at the other time,
I seem to rebel against the world.

Well, that's what happens in my head though.

I am trying to be wiser everyday,
opening my eyes for the truth of the world...
like an owl observing the night.

But my friends,

perhaps without realizing,
I am walking on the path of foolishness here.
Thus, I really appreciate
your comments, complains, questions,
and even... mockery.
>>>>>>>---------------------------------- ITUTH ------>

Friday, October 23, 2009


Brave and Coward walked together on a crowded street.
On the way, a big muscular man came and tried to bully them.
Coward was frozen from fear, but Brave stood tall.
He fought against the big man and unexpectedly... he won.
The big guy ran away while the crowd cheered for Brave.

Later on Coward said to Brave...

Coward: "You are very courageous, my friend.
He is bigger than you, but fear does not
seem to perch in your invincible heart..."

Brave: "You are wrong, friend. I do feel fear
in my heart... And this fear hasn't yet left
this heart of mine in peace."

Coward: "Fear? In your courageous heart? It is
hard to believe. The heart of mine is indeed
susceptible to this dreadful horror. But
yours? No, my friend. Your heart is as strong
as the strongest steel."

Brave: "I'm afraid you are mistaken again.
This fear of mine might take different
shape from the fear of yours, but still it is
fear which drives me to action. Mine might even
be greater than yours..."

Coward: "It is not possible. What fear is greater
than what dwells in my weak heart? What is more
terrible than the fear of the safety of one's
own life."

Brave: "The fear of cowardice, my friend. I do not
afraid of death. But, to be seen as a coward by
others... This is what I fear most."

Coward: "That is absurd..."

Brave: "Probably for you, it is. But still, for my
insecure heart, death is a thousand times better
than shame."

Coward: "But that is the sign of courage..."

Brave: "No, my friend. Mine is cowardice. Yours is
courage. Never will I be brave enough to show
my cowardice to others."

Coward: "But..."

Brave: "You dare show others your fear, friend.
You do not hide behind the mask of recklessness.
Thus, I realize now. You are much more courageous
than me."

Coward: "I still think yours is courage though.
Whatever drives you to take action, it enables
you to stand tall against whatever comes to you.
It is courage indeed."

Brave: "It seems like we have quite a different
view of this matter. (sigh)
Fear and courage are indeed very troublesome
for us."

Coward: "I do agree with you in this matter."

by: Ituth

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