This blog is my place
to reflect what happens in my life
and what is in my mind.

I know sometimes I sound hypocrite
while at the other time,
I seem to rebel against the world.

Well, that's what happens in my head though.

I am trying to be wiser everyday,
opening my eyes for the truth of the world...
like an owl observing the night.

But my friends,

perhaps without realizing,
I am walking on the path of foolishness here.
Thus, I really appreciate
your comments, complains, questions,
and even... mockery.
>>>>>>>---------------------------------- ITUTH ------>

Friday, December 18, 2009

Which is right?

A kind priest walked slowly,
crossing a narrow yet long bamboo bridge,
But he stopped in the midway.
A small deer was lying on the bridge,
with an arrow stuck in its body,
and one leg bled badly.
The young man felt pity on it.
He tried to carry the deer across the bridge,
but he slipped and fell,
and both of them were gone for good.

A grumpy bandit walked quickly,
crossing a narrow yet long bamboo bridge.
He stopped in the midway.
A small deer was lying on the bridge,
with an arrow stuck in its body,
and one leg bled badly.
The bandit felt annoyed.
He kicked the deer and yanked out the arrow.
Frightened, the deer ran away,
across the bridge with crippled steps.
The bandit followed it, still grumpy and evil...
yet, both of them stayed alive.

Which is right?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Joy and Sorrow


A man said,
"Joy and sorrow are two sides of a coin
which is tossed constantly to the air...

When you feel happy,
you should be prepared for the sadness,
for the next toss perhaps...
joy will be replaced by sorrow.

In the contrary...
When you are down and depressed,
you should never give up your hope,
for the next toss perhaps...
happiness will smile
and sadness will disappear..."

Another man disagreed,
"Joy and sorrow..
do not come by chance...

Happiness is like the sky,
lies so wide up there...
for everyone to see,
for everyone to seek,
for everyone to enjoy...

Sadness is like rain, fogs and clouds,
they cover the sky for a little while...
then go with the wind,
leaving the sky of joy
for everyone again to enjoy...

The problem is...
sometimes people who were trapped
under dark clouds of sorrow
and heavy rain of sadness,
take cover inside one gloomy cave,
and later on...
they are unwilling to come out of the cave,
to enjoy the sky of happiness,
for fear of loss and sorrow..."

by: Ituth

Sunday, November 1, 2009

About Patience


You know what?
Many people misunderstand
the real essence of true patience...

They think patience means...
doing something then
be content waiting for the result...

Well, perhaps that is also patience,
but my view of patience is
a bit different...
For me it means doing something,
then keep doing the same thing...
over and over again,
until we get
the result we want.

by: Ituth

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Wisdom of the Fool


Be happy when you know nothing,
since less worry will you keep in your mind...

If you don't know...
that every man will die when his time comes,
you will surely not afraid of the death...

If you don't know...
that there is a risk of falling if you keep climbing,
you will not be afraid of crashing to the ground...

If you never know about heaven and hell,
if you know not of good nor evil,
you will probably do anything without concern...
evil things without worry nor burden in your heart, or
good things without expecting the godly reward.

If you don't know...
that tomorrow won't be the end of the world,
you'll probably be able to enjoy your life today...
with nothing to worry for tomorrow...

If you don't know...
that all mentioned above is not wisdom
but just vast ignorance,
you'll probably be convinced that...
being foolish is better than growing up,
fooling around is better than learning,
and sleeping is better than staying awake...

by: Ituth

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

True Friends

A pretty young girl sat solemnly under some big tree,
alone with melancholic ambiance around her.
A hunchbacked lady with traces of ages in her face,
watched her for a while,
then came to her and sat beside her...

"A pretty girl with joyless look in her face,
is truly an unwholesome thing to see," she said
"What is wrong with you, young girl?"

The girl looked at her and answered, "It's just...
I have lots of friends, grandma...
But I cannot seem to know which of them are
my real friends and which are...
willing to stab my back when I'm not looking..."

"You brood here all the time just for that?
It is not a difficult thing at all, silly girl.
Just be a true friend to others,
and others will be your true friends in return."

"I wish the world is so simple, grandma.
But it is not... Evil hides himself well among us.
It wears the mask of smiling helpful friends
most of the time, and suddenly...
at the time we trust it completely,
it suddenly throws away its loathsome mask,
and betrays us without second thought."

The old woman sighed,
"The world is not that gloomy, little girl.
But if you really concern yourself with this true friend
you seek, here is simple advice
of a simple village woman like me...

Take your friends to the top of a mountain,
and they'll reveal what they are deep within.

Ask your friends to follow rough traces,
and they'll show you their real faces,

Show your friends hard work to finish,
and you'll know they are truly generous or simply selfish...

Give your friends a simple secret just to gamble,
to know whether they are trustworthy or unreliable.

Never forget to do like what you want others to do,
for your friends also have an absolute right...
to test your character just like what you are about to do."

by: Ituth

Monday, October 26, 2009

Concrete and Leaves

I suppose skscrapers and concrete cities
have indeed their own charm and practicality,
but personally I prefer...
simple towns with lots of grass and trees,
whose leaves get fresher and greener,
with every drops of
morning dews and afternoon rains...

by: Ituth

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Of Justice

There was a boy,
whose dream was to be a hero of justice,
who would send all enemies of this justice
to the deepest of hell to receive their
straightforward judgment...

But the world is not so simple,
as the black and white view
of his childhood dream...

When he had grown up,
he became a judge, but...
this once a boy had lost his confidence
to be able to tell the difference of
what is just and what is unfair...

So, there he went to a senior judge,
who is well known for his wisdom,
and he asked,
"Your Honour, if I might ask you...
How is it possible for me to be
on the side of justice all the time?"

The elder judge answered,
"We are humans, young friend,
we are susceptible to injustice.
However, there is one simple principle
you need to do if you aim to be just
all the time."

"What is it Your Honor?"

"Do like what the sun does.
It gives the same warmth and light
to everything no matter what it is...
Do like the air does.
It lets anything inhales it,
no matter how small or how big...
Do like the flowers do.
Their beauty is for every being to see
Their fragrance is for every being to enjoy ..."

"Does it mean I have to treat everyone
equals? Even the good and the bad?"

"No, dear friend. No!
It means that you should do your job
as it is supposed to be.
It means that you should do
what you are supposed to do
in your current position..."

by Ituth

About Romantic Love

What is love?
Not the love of God I'm talking,
nor motherly love, nor love among friends...

What I am observing now,
is this love of man and woman...
which inspire lots of songs and poems
and pictures and...
whatever else it might be...
What is this romantic love actually?
How come its definition varies so huge,
and sometimes even against each other?

Is this love a kind of silly illusion,
or is it just a kind of deep affection?

Is love the enhancement of peaceful care
or is it the sworn enemy of fierce hate?

Is it the things that deepen the unbending trust
or things which generate the wicked jealousy?

What is it?

Once when I'm still naive, I believed...
that to love someone means...
to give whatever we have...
give, give, and keep giving,
until we have nothing left.

Yet, when turbulance came in my heart,
breaking every corner it saw...
I cannot help but thinking,
that love is just a big fat lie...
just a lump of ugly piece of joke,
decorated by pretty colors of illusion...

Even until now,
I cannot help wondering,
if this complicated love is probably just...
a simple like with a little bit emphasis in it.

by Ituth

Friday, October 23, 2009

Who Goes to Heaven?


There was a twisted serial murderer,
captured by a priest and a soldier.

Close to the gate of a big city,
the murderer managed to seize
a sharp knife from them,
and ran away to the crowded city...
"Shot him, Father! Kill him!"
The soldier screamed at the priest,
who held the gun at that time.

"No, my son! Killing is forbidden.
You'll go to hell if you do so."

"But, he'll kill many more people,
if we let him go!"

"Still my son, killing is forbidden.
Heaven won't accept the people
who are willing to kill others."

The soldier snatched away the gun,
and shot the murderer, right in his

"I don't mind going to hell, Father.
As long as the people there are
safe, I'm willing to sacrifice my

Who goes to heaven?

There was a thief, who came at night
to the houses in town.
Stealthily, he took money from those
houses, and brought it home,
to feed the homeless children
who thought he was their leader.

Then, the thief got caught,
by an honest policeman who tries his best
to fulfill the duty laid down on
his shoulder.

"I must put you to jail, thief.
Why did you keep stealing?
Don't you know that it is a sin?"

The thief smiled sadly,
"I don't mind to be shackled
by the heavy weight of sins...
For this world is unfair,
and little can be done honestly
by a poor man like me.
However, it's just not right for me
to let those dear to me
suffer from pain and hunger."

"Those kids you feed,
they are not your family,
nor they are your relatives..."

"That might be true,
but when I see their heartbreaking pain,
I just can't help myself
to do my best for their sake."

"It's breaking my heart too, thief.
but I must do what my duty told me to do."

"Go ahead, Sir. I have said it before,
I don't mind to suffer from this sin,
since I've done my best
for this little conscience of mine..."

Who goes to heaven?

by: Ituth

The Way, The Truth, The Life

Jesus Christ, my beloved teacher said...
"I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me."
(John 14: 6)

Thus, one day, some friend of mine came
and said, "Listen to that verse. You have to
believe that it is true. We who believe in
this Jesus will be saved and accepted by the
Lord Almighty. Those who do not have faith in
him are doomed."

I scowled at this view...
Is this my Jesus he is talking about?
Is this the Jesus who forgave they who tortured him?

Nay, my friend...
My beloved teacher is wise, for he was the
one who sacrificed himself for our sake.
He will never force anyone to trust him,
nor will he curse those who do not know him.

Hence, I said what I had in mind,
"Well, in my point of view...
this verse seems to say that since Christ is
the way, the truth, and the life...
Anyone who follow the way,
believe in the truth,
and trust in the life,
even if they do not know who Jesus is,
will be accepted by our beloved Father."

"I believe in the truth, and I do
trust in life!"

"But my friend,
do you follow the way? The right way?
If you really believe in truth,
you will never go against what is right...
If you really trust in life,
you will do whatever is good for your
precious life...
If you really follow the right way,
then, dear friend,
you will never get lost..."

"But I was taught that the right way
is only Jesus!"

"Well, I believe it is no and yes, my friend,
Jesus, the man, is not the only way,
Jesus, the way, is indeed the only way...
They who forgive their enemies;
They who love every beings;
They who praise the Lord Almighty;
They who are wise, kind, and humble;
They who are not afraid to stand straight
against all odds,
since they know they do the right things...
They might not know Jesus the man,
but obviously,
they have followed Jesus the way..."

by: Ituth

Angel, Devil, and Humans

An angel accused a devil,
"You are such a wild boar,
run amok without restraints,
destroying what is proper,
what is good,
and what has been neatly arranged..."

The devil replied,
"What about you?
You're just a collared dog...
know only obedience and law,
never even taste a drop of freedom,
you're so naive,
just blindly follow
what you're told and what you're ordered..."

Some humans joined,
"What about us?" they asked.

The devil sneered,
"You are just stupid donkeys,
stranded in the path
where the road split in two...
You can't even decide where to go.
Sometimes you go right,
sometimes you choose left."

The angel scowled,
"They are not donkeys,
they are just little lambs,
which sometimes wander around,
and get a little lost..."

I look at them and laugh,
"You are all so amusing," I said.
"Go on, be a boar, a dog,
donkeys, or little lambs...
Let me be a monkey then,
silently watching your silly
little fight...
and laugh out loud anytime I like,
since this world is
an incredibly huge stage,
and you, the players are...
unbelievably hilarious!!"

by: Ituth


Brave and Coward walked together on a crowded street.
On the way, a big muscular man came and tried to bully them.
Coward was frozen from fear, but Brave stood tall.
He fought against the big man and unexpectedly... he won.
The big guy ran away while the crowd cheered for Brave.

Later on Coward said to Brave...

Coward: "You are very courageous, my friend.
He is bigger than you, but fear does not
seem to perch in your invincible heart..."

Brave: "You are wrong, friend. I do feel fear
in my heart... And this fear hasn't yet left
this heart of mine in peace."

Coward: "Fear? In your courageous heart? It is
hard to believe. The heart of mine is indeed
susceptible to this dreadful horror. But
yours? No, my friend. Your heart is as strong
as the strongest steel."

Brave: "I'm afraid you are mistaken again.
This fear of mine might take different
shape from the fear of yours, but still it is
fear which drives me to action. Mine might even
be greater than yours..."

Coward: "It is not possible. What fear is greater
than what dwells in my weak heart? What is more
terrible than the fear of the safety of one's
own life."

Brave: "The fear of cowardice, my friend. I do not
afraid of death. But, to be seen as a coward by
others... This is what I fear most."

Coward: "That is absurd..."

Brave: "Probably for you, it is. But still, for my
insecure heart, death is a thousand times better
than shame."

Coward: "But that is the sign of courage..."

Brave: "No, my friend. Mine is cowardice. Yours is
courage. Never will I be brave enough to show
my cowardice to others."

Coward: "But..."

Brave: "You dare show others your fear, friend.
You do not hide behind the mask of recklessness.
Thus, I realize now. You are much more courageous
than me."

Coward: "I still think yours is courage though.
Whatever drives you to take action, it enables
you to stand tall against whatever comes to you.
It is courage indeed."

Brave: "It seems like we have quite a different
view of this matter. (sigh)
Fear and courage are indeed very troublesome
for us."

Coward: "I do agree with you in this matter."

by: Ituth

About Wisdom

The fool asked the wise...
"What is wisdom?" he said.

The wise sighed and answered,
"It is what need to be done,
not what is fun to do...
It is what is right at the right time,
or what is right for all the time,
never what is right at the wrong time...
It is what you should always seek,
although it is not always what you find...
It is the sweetest thing you taste,
after you know what bitter is...
You will find it my brother,
if you know what happened yesterday,
what is happening right now,
and what will likely happen tomorrow..."

"How do I know it is wisdom that I find,
not just another foolery?"

"Time will tell you, my brother,
how wisdom is different from foolery...
As long as you keep your eyes open,
you'll see the mirth laughter
of our lovely wisdom,
although the grim shade of foolery
wrap its dark cloak tightly around...
As long as you are willing to open your eyes,
you will find it...
Believe me my brother,
you will find it..."

"But it seemed this wisdom never come,
whenever I need it..."

"Wisdom does not come to those who wait,
my dear brother,
it comes only to those who seek,
and those who keep their eyes opened,
and those who dare to hold it,
and embraced it tightly in their arm...
Do not hesitate my dear brother,
for it is better for us all
to embrace foolery by mistake,
rather than to risk ourselves
letting the beautiful wisdom go...
Because no one know, dear brother,
when it will come to visit us again..."

by Ituth

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